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Non-Profit RiseUP for Arts Takes Art ManiFESTation to New Heights

Fundraisers, Art ManiFESTation (a collaboration with MAD) and Cocktails for Change, are not foreign events to supporters of RiseUP for Arts. In 2022, the organization wanted to mesh the high-energy of these events, to produce an interactive arts experience in Connecticut.

Non-Profit RiseUP for Arts Takes Art ManiFESTation to New Heights




Project/Program Management | Administrative Assistance | Team Development & Engagement



Here's the Sitch (aka Situation):

RiseUP was founded in 2012 as a youth development and mentoring program aimed at helping youth develop the skills needed to be the catalysts that inspire and uplift their community. RiseUP for Arts has grown to be the State of Connecticut's only state-wide public art nonprofit. ​


In addition to public art, RiseUP for Arts is still focused on youth development in each community mural project.  RiseUP also partners and organizes creative placemaking experiences across Connecticut. In 2021, RiseUP for Arts Founder, Matt Conway, wanted to revitalize the organization's Art ManiFESTation event by forming an event committee and streamlining tasks.

Our Approach:

Excited to bring a unique experience to Connecticut's arts ecosystem, we facilitated the below processes:

  • An assessment of the existing RiseUP team, divided into 6 sub-committees based on superpowers/event

  • Helped teams focus on individual goals and tasks through consistently updated

  • Assisted with Marketing strategy and messaging where necessary. (Framed the event’s interactive elements messaging for sponsorship/marketing purposes)

  • Built out contacts for sponsorship list (up to 40) 

  • Team supervision/accountability - attended necessary meetings to ensure teams were kept on track, risks were mitigated, and agendas were moving forward.

The below ROI of our support contributed to an organized event that "exceeded expectations by 1,000%!"(Source)

  • Risk mitigation and accountability monitoring

  • Increased productivity levels

  • Time and energy available to complete other tasks (Time Management)

  • Establishment and maintenance of efficient business systems and processes

  • Documented processes (to help plan for next year’s event)

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