CT Office of The Arts
Connecticut Office of the Arts Bolsters Economic Opportunity in the Arts with Workforce Initiative
CT Office of The Arts: Improving Economic Opportunity in the Arts
Scope of Work
Project Management, Systems Implementation, Administrative Assistance
Municipal, Non-Profit
Here's the Stitch
(aka Situation)
A paid apprenticeship program that gives Connecticut college students, emerging creatives, formerly incarcerated individuals and military veterans an opportunity to gain high-level professional work experience with not-for-profit arts and cultural organizations throughout the state.
Since its inception in 2017, more than 100 Connecticut college students, emerging creatives, formerly incarcerated individuals and military veterans have been placed in apprenticeships at non-profit and cultural organizations. In return, they have explored various job opportunities in the arts, developed new passions, enhanced their skillset, received professional development support and, for some, long-term employment. Additionally, host organizations have provided apprentices with engaging experiences in arts administration, visual arts, arts presenting/curating, media arts, performing arts, visual arts, arts education and literary arts.
In an effort to scale the program with an intenton of curating a well-rounded summer apprenticeship experience that attracts more talent as well as fosters job opportunities, the Connecticut Office of the Arts requested assistance to achieve the following outcomes:
Maintain retention of apprentice placements in selected organizations
Show that AWI/employment in the arts contributes to the economic growth in CT
Be able to gather accurate apprentice demographics, and use data to further improve diversity, equity and inclusion in the program
Build trust as well as organic & ongoing relationships between COA, apprentices & organizations (receive genuine trackable & quality feedback from organizations & interns in regards to their experiences with one another, as well as COA/AWI)
Instill professional development workshops/trainings for intern applicants & selected organizations
Long-term: Receive applications that align with the cross-sectors of the arts' community (i.e. public relations, marketing, etc.)
Our Approach
Worked with COA’s leadership to thoroughly assess and update internal messaging for the program to ensure it maintains its integrity of following state policy as well as its READI principles
Provided messaging and counsel for public information sharing via newsletters, social media and directly with stakeholders
Strategically and carefully implemented communications and operational practices/counsel to COA, stakeholders and apprentices as they navigated COVID-19
Facilitated implemenetation and supervision of the developed processes
Our Impact & Client Milestones
Since 2020, a total of 35 apprentices were provided job opportunities in 35 non-profit organizations within 2 years, resulting in over $131,250 being distributed to apprentices. (Please view our reports for details on the impact of our work and how we met/exceeded required outcomes: 2021 and 2020. Kindly note, each of our client collaborations include frequent check-ins, agendas and recap reports.)
Additional Reference Links:
AWI Website (Kindly note, BRVC is a part of the program’s redesign for 2023. Our work involves: brand development, social & digital strategy, public relations and project management.)
2021 Selected Apprentices
2020 Selected Apprentices