My Sister's Keyp'her
New York Based Non-Profit Maintains Community Presence with The Launch of a New Initiative for Women of Color
My Sisters Keyp'her: Community Hub for Women of Color
Scope of Work
Brand Identity, Brand Messaging Development, Content Creation, Social Media Management, Influencer Marketing, Brand Partnerships
Non-Profit, Start-Up
Here's the Stitch
(aka Situation)
Following the success of their 2nd annual fashion show, advocating for breast cancer awareness, Power In Pink Founder, Dafina Morris, launched a new initiative for women of color to engage in activities that spark conversations about "trying to have it all.”
Following her 2nd fashion show to raise breast cancer awareness among Black women, Power In Pink founder, Dafina Morris, created My Sister's Keyp'her to expand the ways she could support and uplift Black women.
She wanted the initiative to serve as a hub for Black women to enjoy empowering events, engage with educational content and share experiences regarding a variety of health issues. For My Sister's Keyp'her's launch, Dafina wanted to host an intimate an intimate conversation for women of color (millennials to early 40s) to relax under the sun, and engage in activities that spark conversations about: balancing "trying to have it all" with self-care, uplifting one another and the power of networking/mentorship.

Our Approach
Because Dafina had been known for her breast cancer awareness advocacy, it was essential for us to develop solid messaging and consult on identity qualities (i.e. a logo) that clearly My Sister's Key'her as its own entity.
Additionally, it was important that we strategically and gradually introduced this initiative to Power In Pink's audience, with takeaways that still resonated; and didn't cause disassociation with how they've come to relate to the organization within the past 2 years.

Our Impact & Client Milestones
Through our #PIPShifts soft social media campaign, we produced content that prioritized the transition into My Sister’s Key’pher—and specifically, recaps of the My Sister’s Keyp’her Kickback.
107 posts, 2,199 engagement, 24,733 impressions and 17,984 reach
The most effective posts in were: a Michelle Obama quote to emphasize self-check-ins—which garnered 43 engagement and 354 impressions; a giveaway
The most effective posts in August 2019 were about: a black-owned construction firm
An Instagram advertisement garnered 5,694 impressions (89% from the ad), 4,551 unique accounts and 32 visits to the RSVP link. The audience was 100% women, aged 25 - 34, located in New York
Brand promotion for the event, specifically, garnered 9,000+ impressions on Instagram
Received 15 new newsletter subscribers; and 16 new followers in less than 60 days

With the help of BRVC, Power In Pink produced and hosted My Sister’s Keyp’her Kickback in Brooklyn, New York's Prospect Park which resulted in 12 RSVPs, a 58% attendance rate and a positive share of voice on Instagram post-event—from influencers.
Coordinated and secured attendance from NYC influencers, bloggers & Youtubers: Quiana from Harlem Love Birds, Nellie from Brooklyn Active Mama, and Netta Woods (collective following of 32,000+)
Secured 2 sponsorships with local businesses: Y7 Studio and Effie's Paper
Curated gift box for attendees